They that wait upon the Lord are the servants of the Lord. They are to fly, and it takes strength to fly. In spiritual things not many of God's children "mount up with wings as eagles," but some do, and their strength is from God.
But here's a place for more of them, those who run in His service. Those who "wait upon the Lord...shall run, and not be weary." Obedience to the Word of God sustains us in the race of life. "I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart" (Ps. 119:32).
Most of us must walk, but that is the greatest accomplishment of all. The promise is "They shall walk, and not faint." The most difficult place in which to represent Christ is in the humdrum routine of everyday life. Those who mount up with wings as eagles have a great deal of encouragement and the thrill of accomplishment. They that run experience the speed, reach the goal, receive the applause of the onlookers. But they that walk--that's different! Someone has written a book entitled Blessed Be Drudgery, but about the only thing blessed in drudgery is that we may know the Blessed One, who will give us strength to walk and not faint.
Jesus did not ride on His missionary journeys. He walked the dusty roads of Palestine, and finally His feet were nailed to the cross. If He could walk and not faint, so by His strength can we. One step at a time, one step after another, and at last we reach the gate of the city. Among millions in this motorized age walking has become a lost art, and unfortunately it is becoming a lost art spiritually in many cases. Those who walk in the light of truth here will walk in the light of the Holy City (Rev. 21:24).
MEDITATION PRAYER: "Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee" (Ps. 143:8).