A divine commission this. And notice, it is given to all believers, though spoken to the eleven, apparently in the upper room. Verse 17 makes it clear that it applies to "them that believe." Do we believe? Then the commission is to us.
The field is the world. The gospel has no barriers. It is to go to every creature--all races, all lands. The promise is to those who believe and are baptized. Salvation is assured to those who come by faith, and we are warned against the great sin of unbelief.
A prominent Christian merchant once rose in a missionary convention and told this experience: "I stood on the edge of one of the great provinces of China and said to my guide, 'How many men are there beyond us who have never heard the name of Jesus Christ?'
" 'Thirty million,' he said, 'but we must go back. We are already in dangerous territory. We must go back at once.'
"As I stood there I heard the creaking of one of the primitive wagons of the region. The vehicle was drawn by a weather-beaten camel driven by a man in rags, and was loaded with cans of oil. There was also a crate of lamps marked "Made in the U.S.A.' You see, we could send them light for their homes, but not for their hearts."
Millions of dollars are being spent every year by business concerns to further their interests. Their representatives are found in all parts of the world, often risking their lives. Should not the representatives of the cross do as much to carry the life-giving gospel of the grace of God in Christ to earth's remotest bounds?
MEDITATION PRAYER: "I will go in the strength of the Lord God: I will make mention of thy righteousness, even of thine only" (Ps. 71:16).