Today's reading: Chapter 33 is full of instructions for God's people at any time in history--good for Christians today, tomorrow, or any other time.
Memory gem: "I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore shalt thou hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me" (Ezekiel 33:7).
Thought for today:
It is paramount for each Christian to seek every opportunity to witness for Christ and to warn men of danger. And if we do, many will thank us at last for flagging them down on the road to destruction.
I shall never forget one terrible winter day when my wife and I were driving across the state of Kentucky. All the rivers were over their banks. It was a time of great flood. A storm of sleet was beating down upon us, and suddenly we saw a frantically waving lantern ahead. As we drew nearer, we saw a farmer who had assumed the duty of protecting the motorists on that lonely road. In the emergency, he was the only thing between us and destruction. A few yards ahead the road went down into water over fifteen feet deep.
So, by our lives as well as by our words, we must wave the lantern of warning and give the word of encouragement.
Friend, life's highway may lead you to heaven or to hell; to life or to death. Which shall it be? It is the most important highway that any of us have ever traveled thus far. So today we call upon all men to turn from the way that leads to destruction and take the way--the only way--that leads to life everlasting, to heaven and homeland. And here it is: "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me" (John 14:6).
Will you come, my friend, and will you come today?
Difficult or obscure words:
Ezekiel 35:15. "Idumea"--Edom. The Greeks and Romans later used the name Idumea, and the translators have used it here (see also Ezekiel 36:5).