Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee. Deut. 5:12.
Johnny left one Sunday morning on his way to Sunday school. He had two dimes in his hand; one for the Lord, and one for ice cream on his way home. As he was crossing the street, he slipped, and one of the dimes rolled down into the gutter. He was regretting that the Lord's dine had gone down the drain when a friend came by who wasn't going to Sunday school. It wasn't long before he agreed that his mother would never know, and they went fishing. But in spite of his efforts and proper timing, he got home a little late, and soon his mother had the whole story.
As a punishment, his mother sent him to his room to read the fourth commandment fifty times. Johnny began to read. "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: but the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God." After the first few times he had it by memory. The words burned into his mind, and when he finished, he was sure he would never again go fishing on Sunday.
Several weeks later, his teacher at school asked for someone to give the days of the week in order. Johnny volunteered. He stood up and recited, "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday." The teacher said, "That's fine, but you made one mistake. Sunday is the first day, and Saturday is the seventh. Try it one more time." Johnny hesitated a moment. "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday." Again the teacher asked that he begin with the first day, but he recited it the same as he had at first. The teacher told him sternly to stay after school. But Johnny said, "Teacher, if you had read the fourth commandment as many times as I have, you'd know Monday is the first day of the week, and Sunday is the seventh!" Obviously something was wrong. Someone had tried to change something.
It was predicted that the time would come when people would try to change God's holy day. But Jesus had a high regard for the Sabbath. It is because of this that Satan has tried so hard to produce a counterfeit. Luke 4:16 says that to worship on the Sabbath day was Jesus' custom. If we follow His example and teachings, it will become our custom as well.