For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.--2 Corinthians 11:13-14
Satan is an artful foe, and he will work where he is by many least expected....In these last days the false will take the field with the true, the spurious with the genuine....
In these last days the false will take the field with the true, the spurious with the genuine.....
To men whom he desires to delude and ruin, Satan does not come as the outcast, apostate spirit, but he comes personating as an angel of light and truth...
Satan will make the best use possible of his agents--apostate angels and fallen men. They become one through apostasy, uniting in a desperate companionship to oppose the law of God....
Satan has stolen the livery of heaven in order to deceive the very elect. As he seduced Adam, he is seducing men to unite with him in rebellion against the law of God....
Never was Satan so fiercely stirred as now. As never before he will inspire every one who has apostatized from obedience to God's law. He will work to create rebellion at the very time when the proclamation of the third angel's message, the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus is going to the world. He will inspire members of his synagogue to make most desperate efforts to clothe in defiled garments all who take an active part in this message. Not a stone will be left unturned, not a plan or devise but will be set in operation to deceive, to hold in error and strong delusions every mind that he can control. (Letter 103, March 15, 1894)
REFLECTION: Don't be deceived by the devil. He may make things look great, but his goal is to destroy. God's goal is for His people to spend eternity with Him. Let's choose Christ. He has a great plan for us. We are His chosen "royal priesthood," so we can walk with Him in His "marvelous light." (1 Peter 2:9)