The fascinating story of Revelation is that God established a universe in which it is possible for beings He created to deny that He made it. In other words, the fact that people are invited to worship the Creator indicates that God does not force anyone to acknowledge His role in Creation. Human beings are like crickets who question whether a builder constructed the house they are living in, thinking perhaps that it somehow came into existence on its own. God iS not only powerful, as nature can teach us (Rom. 1:18-20), but He is infinitely patient with the intellectual limitations of His creatures.
Does it make sense in today's world to worship the One who made heaven, earth, sea, and the fountains of waters? Clifford Goldstein found a number of compelling reasons to believe in The Book of the Cosmos, edited by Dennis Danielson. The volume contains the account of a scientist who specializes in probability theory. He estimated that the chance that our universe could arise without a designer at one in 10. That's one chance in 1 followed by 229 zeros, a number too large for me to imagine! What makes the number even more awesome is the fact that the estimated number of all protons and neurons in the visible universe is only 10 (1 followed by 80 zeros)! If your head is spinning as you read this, mine is spinning as I write it! These numbers suggest that it is virtually impossible that the universe as we know it could have arisen apart from divine design.
An astronomer, Owen Gingrich, adds his own testimony, "I cannot prove that God exists or that God's claims on our lives is what makes life meaningful. But do the heavens declare the glory of God? I think so. The universe is so full of such wonderful things that I can hardly think otherwise."
Goldstein goes on to paraphrase Cicero, the ancient orator. If flutes playing a tune were sprouting on an olive tree, you would have no doubt that the olive tree had some knowledge of flute playing. Isn't it obvious, then, that a world full of intelligent creatures points to an intelligent Person behind the design of our universe? But whether or not this should be obvious to us, God does not compel anyone's worship. In the last days He invites all one last time to acknowledge that we live and move and have our being because of Him.
Lord, thank You for making me one of Your incredible designs. Fill my heart today with a sense of Your greatness and a desire to worship and serve You with all my heart.