Therefore chose life, that both thou and thy seed may live. Deut. 30:19.
There's an old evangelistic phrase that you may have heard, "Getting people across the line." This term has been used many times in reference to getting people to make decisions regarding some point of doctrine, usually the Sabbath. But it is a principle in decision making, when it comes to spiritual things, that all decisions should be based on commitment to Jesus. If that commitment has not already been made, then it is futile to pull for decision on any other point. If a person has not already made a decision for Christ and been converted, then he or she is not ready to make a lasting decision on doctrinal issues.
God has very simple methods for decision making. John 10:1-5 describes His method. The first thing He does is make Himself known to His sheep. He realizes that when the sheep know Him and have learned to recognize His voice and decide to follow Him, the decisions along the path of following Him day by day will naturally come. Our first method in seeking to bring others to decision should be to lead them to know God and His voice themselves.
The primary force in all spiritual decision making is the Holy Spirit. It is His work to confront each individual with decision at the time that He knows he is the most approachable, and in a manner that he will be most likely to respond to.
The Bible is clear that we ought to make decisions and that we ought to make them every day. 2 Corinthians 6:2 says that now is the accepted time. Joshua urged the people of Israel to choose. "Choose you this day whom you will serve" (Joshua 24:15). Notice that he wanted them to chose whom to serve, not what to do. The decision to serve Jesus and allow Him control in our lives is a daily decision.
If the Holy Spirit has been speaking to you to make a decision in your life, don't procrastinate. The longer you put it off, the harder the decision will be. Steps to Christ, page 32, says that thousands have erred, to their own destruction, in putting off decision. Probably every person has some decision that has been on his mind, a conviction from the Holy Spirit. Why not decide now? If you have a decision you need to make, make it today.