It was the entrance of sin into the world that brought sickness and death. When the last stain of sin is washed from the earth, there will be no more sickness, sorrow, heartbreak, or death. A troubled mind often leads to sickness. Dis-ease of mind and heart brings disease of body. And we are told that "a merry heart doth good like a medicine" (Prov. 17:22). All true believers have discovered this. When the burden of sin is lifted from the heart by faith in Jesus Christ as our Redeemer, there is often a great increase in health of the body.
The time will come, as our promise declares, when in God's new earth the inhabitants will not say "I am sick," because there will be no sickness. Who are these people? Are they those who have never sinned? No, indeed. They are those who have been forgiven their iniquity. And that forgiveness is for us now, for "if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins" (1 John 1:9).
Years ago a man who was a very great sinner was executed in Ayr, Scotland, for his terrible wickedness. Those who knew him thought he had gone beyond the grace of God. While he was in prison he saw his own wickedness and, after great heart struggle, surrendered to God. When he came to the place of his execution, he could not refrain from crying out to the onlookers concerning his sense of pardon and the presence of God. "Oh, He is a great forgiver!" he said. "God is a great forgiver!" Then he added these words: "And now 'perfect love casteth out fear!' [1 John 4:18]. I know that God has nothing to lay against me, for Jesus Christ has paid it all."
Because He is a great forgiver, in Him we have eternal hope.
MEDITATION PRAYER: "If thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? But there is forgiveness with thee" (Ps. 130:3, 4).