Today's reading: The book of Daniel concludes with two remarkable chapters. Chapter 11 foretells in remarkable detail events in Middle Eastern history down through the centuries. Chapter 12 accurately pinpoints the scientific awakening of modern times--and then seals the prophecy until that time.
Memory gem: "Go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days" (Daniel 12:13).
Thought for today:
Two thousand five hundred year ago the spokesman from heaven addressed God's prophet Daniel with this announcement "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased" (Daniel 12:4).
What an exact and amazing forecast this is of our times! How striking the fulfillment! Every word true to the letter, and fulfilled on time, too, as all God's prophecies are.
These last 150 years have witnessed greater changes than any thousand years of the past. Yes, than all past history! Formally the masses of mankind let quiet lives about their own homes; but now, by fast train, mighty steamship, automobile, motorbus, and jet plane, the multitudes "run to and fro." Practically the entire world seems to be afflicted, or blessed, with wanderlust--aggravated by acute speeditis!
Consider this great Bible prophecy and its fulfillment. God declared that in "the time of the end," knowledge would be increased. And now, see the fulfillment of this prophecy in the world today. We witness the worldwide enlightenment of mankind, free education, public school systems, state universities, free libraries, cheap newspapers, radio and television broadcasts, the most colossal pyramiding of human discovery, invention, and knowledge since the creation of the world.
God's divine forecast declared that knowledge would increase and many should "run to and fro." Even the confirmed skeptic and agnostic must admit the fulfillment of this prophecy. Thus the Bible is proved to be an up-to-date guidebook. And in this very century, yes, this very year in which we live, behold the index finger of God pointing to the prophetic time chart. This is "the time of the end," the time when the end is near.