Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. Rev. 7:3.
We were holding some public meetings in central California, and had engaged the Voice of Prophecy quartet to come and sing for us. They wanted to know what the topic of the sermon was, so they could choose some appropriate music, for the occasion. We told them it was the mark of the beast! Their faces went blank, and we suddenly realized that there are few songs on that subject. I suppose this indicates something. The only way you could come up with a song about the mark of the beast would be to stress the positive instead of the negative.
In Revelation 14:1-6 you see a group of people who live at the very end of this earth's history, who are on God's side. They are extremely loyal. It says that they follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth, and that they are without fault before God's throne. This same group is also mentioned in Revelation 7:1-4. Notice in both passages that God's name is written in their foreheads.
Revelation 13:1-9 describes a second group. They worship the beast, and wonder after him. In verse 16 of the same chapter it says that this second group receives a mark also, some in their right hand, and some in their foreheads. So the contrast is that at the end of time there are two groups: one with the seal of God in their foreheads, and one group with a mark from the beast in their foreheads or in their hand.
It is possible for this subject to become complex, with all the history and prophecy and dates and texts. But there should be some way to make it simple enough for even the boys and girls to understand. When Jesus comes again you will either have the name of God in your forehead or the mark of the beast in your forehead or hand. There are only two choices, or two groups. The middle ground that so many occupy today will have disappeared. This tells us something about Jesus. It tells us that He wants us to make decisions. He gives time and is patient and works with us. But He does not want us to sit forever on the fence. The time is coming when each one will be forced to decide either for or against Him. And on our choice depends our eternal destiny.