The 144,000 are noted for their truthfulness (the opposite of Laodicea in its self-deception). Their mouths pass on no lie. One of the key characteristics of God's people at the end of time is a thorough commitment to the truth and to telling it in every circumstance of life.
It is one of the ultimate goals of God's plan of salvation. Understanding and accepting the truth is the secret to freedom and a satisfying life, because whatever you choose to believe will determine what you will do and how you will behave.
A gifted high school student graduated at the top of his class. When he took the exam for entrance into the university, he received a grade of 98. The student thought that the 98 referred to his intelligence quotient, and since 98 is a low IQ, he began to think he was not intelligent. At the end of his first semester at the university, the previously bright and gifted student had failed all his classes.
One of his teachers called him in and said, "I'm just a bit mystified as to why a person with your brilliant high school record could suddenly do so badly at the university." The young man replied that he had discovered that he was dumb, and so was quite justified in doing badly.
Further discussion revealed the real truth. The grade of 98 was a percentage mark. In other words, the student had actually scored 98 percent out of 100. He was, in fact, one of the highest achieving students in the nation, one of the best that had ever attended that university. The next semester the student was back at the top of the class. What made the difference? The difference was in what he believed--in this case, what he believed about himself.
Wise Solomon once said, "As a man thinks in his inward parts, so is he" (Prov. 23:7). What we believe directly influences not only our performance but also how we behave. So if a large variety of conflicting truths fill the world, it is no wonder that unrest, trouble, and strife plague the societies we live in.
God's ultimate goal is to restore the human race to the perfection it originally enjoyed. The new earth will have no place for error and confusion. The problems we currently face originated with the "father of lies" (John 8:44, NIV). The solution is found in the truth as it is in Jesus (John 14:6). Scripture, therefore, describes God's end-time people as being without lies (Rev. 14:5). They are united in truth.
Lord, I commit myself today to three things: knowing You, knowing the truth, and practicing the truth that I know.