God is good to all, and if we are His children we are good to all. It is those who are not working for a reward who will receive a reward.
When, at Worms, Luther was forsaken and dispirited, suddenly a servant entered his hotel room bearing a refreshing drink, the offering of Duke Erich of Brunswick, a powerful ruler belonging to the pope's party. As the Reformer, touched by this act of kindness, drank, he said, "As on this day Duke Erich has remembered me, may the Lord Jesus Christ remember him in the hour of his last struggle."
The servant took the message to his master, and in the hour of his death the aged duke recalled Luther's words. Addressing the young man who stood at his bedside, he said, "Take the Bible and read to me." The dying man took comfort as the youth read the words of Christ: "Whosoever shall give to drink...a cup of cold water only..., verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward" (Matt. 10:42).
Love is the one final, irresistible force in the world. God, who loved the unlovely in us, desires to love the unlovely through us as we reflect His love to others.
For the love of God is broader
Than the measure of man's mind,
And the heart of the Eternal
Is most wonderfully kind.
__Frederick W. Faber
MEDITATION PRAYER: "It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord,...to shew forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night" (Ps. 92:1, 2).