For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. 2 Peter 2:21.
Have you ever heard stories of mothers on the other side of the world who threw their babies to the crocodiles as part of their worship of heathen gods? I don't know whether there are still mothers who do this, but if and when they did, you'll have to admit that it would have taken a mighty sincere mother to throw her baby to the crocodiles--either mighty sincere or mighty something else! It is possible for a poor heathen mother, coming out of the darkness of heathenism, to be in the process of being led by God into greater light and truth, and a clearer understanding of what God is like. We don't have to sit in judgment upon a mother who would sacrifice her child. We don't have to decide her eternal destiny individually. We can look at the episode and weep, and can allow for God to bring her out of that. But should we, with what we know, and what we understand, and with the information that we have available, go and join her? Should we throw our babies to the crocodiles, too, just because we are convinced that she was sincere?
We don't have to judge anyone's eternal destiny, or even speculate on his sincerity, concerning certain charismatic movements in the world today. Even though much of the charismatic movement we see currently could be simply a veiled manifestation of spiritualism, we don't have to judge the individuals. But those who leave the plain teachings of the Bible and join with charismatic groups will be deceived. If we find a vacuum in our lives, it can be filled by going to our closets with God's Word and seeking a personal relationship with Him.
Our correct understanding of Bible information gives us no reason for complacency. As members of the "remnant church," we sometimes think that we are invulnerable. But the truth is that the Holy Spirit will be poured out through those who keep the commandments of God and who also have a faith in Jesus that is real, not just theoretical. God's Spirit will not be poured out in its fullness until the majority of His people are cooperating with Him. And if I refuse to be a part of that group, then I will be left out in the end.