Today's reading: In the middle of a study on the "gifts of the Spirit" lies the "love-chapter," which, the apostle says, shows "a more excellent way."
Memory gem: "[Love] doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil" (1 Corinthians 13:5).
Thought for today:
The real secret of the successful Christian life, the obedient life, the life in harmony with the commandments of God, is the love of Christ in the heart. Love does no harm to others. Love does not hate, love does not rejoice in the troubles of other people. Love forgives, love is patient. It has no envy. It is not full of spiritual pride. It is not selfish, is not easily provoked, does not always see something wrong in the acts of others.
That's what often happens in families: the first love cools off, and the husband and wife do not treat each other as they did at the beginning of their marriage. If this is the condition in your family, then repent and do the first works. Do you remember how you used to treat the girl you married? Do you remember how careful you were of your personal appearance? Yes, you were well groomed. You had a smiling face. You performed little acts of courtesy. You brought her gifts and flowers. You expressed your love. Well, do those things again and see what happens.
And you, too, wife. Do you remember when you first fell in love? Act in the same way now. Ask God to help you, and He will.
It is the same in the Christian life. If we perform our religious duties merely as duties, our spiritual experience will be a drudgery. There are too many long-faced Christians today, Christians who have lost the joy of their salvation. This is because their love is cold and their service is based on a bleak duty rather than upon the outworking of the love of God in the heart. God's love is the same in all kinds of weather. No matter what happens, God still loves us, and it is our privilege to love Him.