Today's reading: As all mortals do, David became old and approached the end of the road. He personally chose his successor and gave solemn instructions to the young man.
Memory gem: "David said to Solomon his son, Be strong and of good courage, and do it: fear not, nor be dismayed: for the Lord God, even my God, will be with thee" (1 Chronicles 28:20).
Thought for today:
Think about John Wesley and his "unparalleled apostolate," as Augustine Birrell beautifully described it. With eighty-eight years of life behind him and over sixty of ceaseless activity in the cause of Christ, he was not sighing for the good old days of wanting things to be changed for the future. Great as his active years had been, those last hours there in his room on City Road were just as good as any. To him, the best time in the service of God was "right here and now." As the young ministers stood around his bed, he opened his eyes a moment before they closed in his last sleep and said, "The best of all is, God is with us."
And when Dean Stanley put up the tablet to the memory of the Wesleys in Westminster Abbey, he summed up all of Wesley's life in those wonderful words of his, "The best of all is, God with us."