In all things showing yourself to be a pattern of good works; in doctrine showing integrity, reverence, incorruptibility.--Titus 2:7
The Lord has appointed every converted soul to witness for Him. The light that has been given to the individual members of His church is to shine forth, not merely in much talk, but in good works. Every talent entrusted to every soul is to be traded upon. The talents that might have been put out to the exchangers by those who have done nothing in the service of God will be required again with the improvements that the Lord required His stewards to make.
Every jot of light, of stability, of influence, is to be used, not for self-pleasing, but for the Lord. We are to be yoked up with Christ in perfect obedience to the Lord [our] God, who is holy, just, and good. Thus God's people may develop characters of increasing consecration, efficiency, and tact, and act their part as laborers together with God.
Why are so many so slow in recognizing the work they ought to do in seeking to save that which is lost? Consider prayerfully what is to be done. Kill indolence. Lay hold of personal labor. Too much labor is done by those who minister in word and doctrine in behalf of churches that should be set to work themselves. The church members should carry a weight of responsibility. They should keep their own souls in the love of God by exercising all the powers they have.
By precept and example they should bear witness of the power of the truth and grace of Christ upon human hearts. This will commend the truth that the seventh day Sabbath is a sign between them and their God. Obedience in the observance of the Sabbath testifies of the sanctification received through its observance. (Letter 35, January 1, 1898)
REFLECTION: Every living Christian will advance daily in the divine life. As he advances toward perfection, he experiences a conversion to God every day; and this conversion is not completed until he attains to perfection of Christian character, a full preparation for the finishing touch of immortality. (Testimonies for the Church, vol. 2, 505)