So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Ps. 90:12.
The Bible and the preaching of the gospel in word and song are two great mountains that God has built up to prevent us from finding it easy to be lost. A third great mountain looming up is the mountain of your better judgment. Common sense. Jesus said it through the prophet: "Come now, and let us reason together" (Isa. 1:18). Let us reason together about what? Your sins! I have made provisions for them to be white as snow, even though they are red like crimson. I've made provision for eternal life for you.
Well, now, someone may say, you can't prove that. If a person were to come to me and say, Prove to me that there is eternal life, I couldn't prove it. I don't have an instrument or scientific approach to prove eternity. But neither can the skeptic prove that there isn't any! Yet when people list the top questions they would ask if they knew they'd get the right answer, one question that always shows up in the top five--"Is there life after death? Is there something more beyond?" That's one big unknown, except by faith.
Frankly, if I'm just using me head and logic, just using human reason, I don't like the options offered by the person who does not accept God's way. It isn't eternal life in heaven versus eternal life in Las Vegas. It is eternal life in heaven versus dying at the end of threescore years and ten, and being dead for a long time, like forever. Right? That's not too impressive to me. I've heard people who feel self-satisfied and "mature" with the thought that they believe that all they have is this life, and when this life is over, that's it. They seem satisfied with that. I wonder what's the matter with their thinking!
I was talking to a man in the hospital who was chain smoking. He said, "Any coward can quit smoking. It takes a real man to die of lung cancer!" There's something wrong with his logic from the first word. Of course, he was being facetious. But with every cigarette he lighted, he had to cross the giant mountain of reason and common sense.
Better judgment is a mountain that God has designed to make being lost as hard as possible.