The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand forever. Isa. 40:8.
What are some of the mountains that God makes use of to fulfill His purpose, not willing that any should perish? One of the first is perhaps unique to civilized people, to those who have had a chance to know something of the the things of God. It is the Bible.
Well, you say, what kind of deterrent is that? There are millions of people who buy Bibles, but they don't read them. It's still one of the best sellers, but not the best read! Yet the very fact of the existence of the Bible, when there have been thousands of skeptics and infidels who've tried to do away with it, says something, doesn't it? If these people who someday are going to want to see the Bible out of print and out of sight are going to fulfill their mission, they are going to have a monumental task. There are Bible of all colors, shapes, sizes, and versions. How are they going to get rid of them all?
People go into a motel, somewhere, for a lost weekend. I daresay they've first got to get the Bible off the dresser top and into the drawer.
My brother and I went to hold some meetings one time in a town. The hall that we wanted to rent was half of a double auditorium. We found that the left half was available on the nights we wanted for our public meetings, where we'd talk about the things of the gospel. However, the right half had dances going three nights a week. We pondered that a bit, and thought perhaps it would be a handicap. But on second thought we figured we might even get some deacons to pass out handbills to people as they went in to dance. So we said we'd take it. But the manager said, "No, you can't have it." We wanted to know why not. He replied, "If people come to have a good time at the dance, and they see people going into the other hall at the same time with Bibles under their arms, it'll ruin the dance." So we didn't get the auditorium.
The very existence of the Bible is a barrier that God has erected to make it hard for us to be lost. That's good news. First Peter 1:23 says that the Word of God liveth and abideth for how long? Forever.