"I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."--John 10:10
I was attending a worship service in a local church and inadvertently stepped into a youth group Bible study. There I saw a video that made a profound impact on me. It was a real-life video showing how the sheep know the shepherd's voice. There were many sheep and different people tried calling them, but the sheep didn't attempt to move. But then the camera captured their shepherd calling them, with the same sounds as the previous callers, and this time all the sheep came running to him. It was amazing!
Jesus said that the sheep know the voice of their shepherd, the one who has their best interests in mind (John 10:2-4). Over the years, I have collected some information about sheep because they are a commonly used scriptural metaphor to describe the people of God in need of His guidance and provision.* In doing so, I have learned that in general sheep are very helpless animals. They can't find food or water instinctively; they need protection from predators; they can easily drown if they try to drink from deep water; and they can't sleep if there are tensions in the flock. Sheep are absolutely and completely dependent on the shepherd to provide everything for them, including a peaceful place, a green pasture, quiet waters, et cetera. The sheep don't know where they are; they just need to follow their shepherd. As in Psalm 23, the abundance of the shepherd's provision may be visualized in terms of a flock finding food, rest, and comfort in nurturing pastures and restful waters. Jesus announced that He came to give His sheep an abundant life! (verse 10). But the sheep's abundant life would come through the death of the Shepherd: "I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep" (John 10:11). This is an emphatic "I am" statement of Jesus as the Good Shepherd, highlighting that He is the Only One who is able to provide for all that we need, and that he paid the high price with His blood for our abundance. May we be keenly aware of our need for the Shepherd: for His guidance, provision, healing, restoration, permanent love, and death, which gives us eternal life.
My Response:______________________________________________________
* See Information on this topic in my book: Elizabeth Talbot, I Will Give You Rest (Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2015), 78.