"He who enters by the door is a shepherd of the sheep....and the sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out."--John 10:2, 3
My parents fully trusted and rested in the arms of their heavenly Shepherd--in sickness and in health, in difficulties and in abundance, as well as when facing death. That's why my homily at my dad's memorial service was entitled "Rest Assured," based on Psalm 23. Jesus said that His sheep hear His voice (John 10:3), and I am certain that my parents will recognize their Shepherd's voice on the resurrection morning and will follow Him throughout eternity.
One of the most outstanding features of Psalm 23 is that in the first part (verses 1-3) David talks about His Shepherd, in the third person singular: He is my shepherd; He makes me lie down; He leads me; He restores my soul; He guides me. But when he enters the dark valley of the shadow of death, he switches to the second person singular and begins talking in a prayer with God: "I fear no evil for You are with me" (verse 4). The presence of his divine Shepherd was his antidote against fear. Later on, there was a prophecy, written many years after David's death, that clearly pointed to the upcoming Messiah, a descendant of David, who would come to shepherd God's people: "Then I will set over them one shepherd, My servant David, and he will feed them; he will feed them himself and be their shepherd" (Ezekiel 34:23). When Jesus, the awaited Davidic king, came to live and die for us, He identified Himself with the metaphor of the Good Shepherd who would give His life for His sheep (John 10:2-4, 11, 14). And the antidote against fear continues to be the presence of our Shepherd! I particularly love the fact that He calls us, "His own sheep" (verses 3, 14), for we belong to Him! I don't know what you are needing right now, but He offers that. Or maybe you are wounded and in need of restoration; your Shepherd provides that as well. Or maybe you are facing the valley of death and need assurance of eternal life; your Shepherd guarantees that through His merits! Whatever your needs, rest assured in your Shepherd's arms.
My Response:___________________________________________________________