Today He is the same compassionate physician that He was while on this earth. We should let the afflicted understand that in Him there is healing balm for every disease, restoring power for every infirmity. His disciples in this time are to pray for the sick as verily as His disciples of old prayed. And recoveries will follow, for 'the prayer of faith shall save the sick' " (Councils of Health, p. 210).
Sickness is a hard school, but it teaches us precious lessons. It brings us nearer to God, and we see ourselves more clearly as God sees us. We find forgiveness for sin, and often a renewal of health is a part of God's plan for us. It is "the prayer of faith" that saves the sick. It is not God's plan to give immortal bodies to His people until the second coming of our Lord and the resurrection of the dead. But many of the sick are healed and raised up to health and faithful service. "I am the Lord that healeth thee" are the words of God in Exodus 15:26.
In Psalm 103:3 the Lord is said to be the one who forgives all our iniquities and heals all our diseases. Jesus Himself was the Great Physician, "who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil" (Acts 10:38).
I personally know a very successful eye surgeon who always prays with patients. But it is no denial of faith to cooperate with God in the laws of our being by making the proper use of diet, exercise, sunlight, water, and rest--all of which are conducive to health. Faith and works go together, and it is our blessed privilege to pray for the sick that they may be healed.
MEDITATION PRAYER: "Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins" (Ps. 25:18).