"For the resurrection of the dead I am on trial before you today."--Acts 24:21
I was delighted to receive a call to ministry. For the previous fifteen years I had been working in the business world and was now considering leaving it all behind in order to enter ministry. But the call was to a part-time position, with only a possibility of a full-time position in the future. Was I supposed to leave my career, my full salary, and my seniority for a part-time job with no guarantees? Well, when we are certain that God is guiding us, we need to surrender to His timetable. I took the position and waited....A few months later, I became a full-time minister.
When we read about Paul's powerful testimony in the book of Acts, we see an intrepid preacher, boldly proclaiming the gospel. He did this over and over again, explaining the prophecies about Jesus, His death, and His resurrection. In Caesarea, Paul witnessed in front of Governor Felix (Acts 24:10-21). Felix did not find anything in Paul worthy of death, and "he gave orders to the centurion for him [Paul] to be kept in custody and yet have some freedom." (verse 22). But as time passed by, every now and then Felix would call Paul, "and heard him speak about faith in Christ Jesus" (verse 24). Can you imagine Paul's thoughts? When will God let me get out of here? I am testifying about Jesus! I want to go to other cities! Yet more time went by. And Felix had some ulterior motives too: "At the same time too, he [Felix] was hoping that money would be given him by Paul; therefore he also used to send for him quite often and converse with him" (verse 26). Well, that's great. But for how long? What was God's timetable for this gospel preacher? Now, the startling part: "After two years had passed, Felix was succeeded by Porcius Festus, and wishing to do the Jews a favor, Felix left Paul imprisoned" (verse 27). Excuse me? Two more years? Why did God allow that? Well, Paul would get the privilege of testifying about Jesus to Festus, to King Agrippa II, and his sister Bernice (Acts 25; 26), before heading to Rome. God's schedule is definitely not ours. We can trust that the One who died to save us, will also guide us to the places, and the timing, that best serves His salvific purposes.
My Response:____________________________________________________________