I have a mug that I really like because it inspires me. It was sent to me by my dear friends Mirta and Alan. It reads: "Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly." So many times, circumstances seem final to us, but from heaven's viewpoint it is not an end but a beginning, filled with newness and meaning. For the believer in Jesus, there are no dead-ends in this world, not even death, because in Christ we will have eternal life.
It all seemed done and final for the two travelers on their way to Emmaus. They tried to explain the finality of the situation to the stranger who had joined them: "The chief priests and our rulers delivered Him to the sentence of death, and crucified Him. But we were hoping that it was He who was going to redeem Israel" (Luke 24:20, 21). They sounded defeated; their dreams were a thing of the past. They didn't know that they were talking to the risen Christ. Their finite interpretation rendered them helpless and hopeless, but this was not an end but a most glorious beginning. Jesus had told them many times that the Crucifixion would not be the end. But it felt like the end to them. Have you ever felt like that? Your marriage is on the rocks; your job is gone; a friendship just ended. That's it! It is hard to imagine that there is anything good left, that God, in fact, has the ability to turn all things for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). Yet from the viewpoint of Jesus, it was completely different. He explained that it was necessary for Christ to die and rise again, and that His plan had been revealed in the Law and the prophets (Luke 24:26, 27, 44). He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. The verb "to open" had been used for Jesus opening the ears of the deaf and the eyes of the blind. Now their minds were open to understand the good news. This was not the end! No! On the contrary, Jesus had opened a new glorious beginning. Sin was supposed to be the end for us, but it wasn't because a Savior came. Trust in Him! He will see you through!
My Response:____________________________________________________________