There was the true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man.--John 1:9
As our tour bus was passing the opera house in Vienna, our guide told us the sad story of its two architects. Sicardsburg and van der Null designed this world-acclaimed landmark building of Vienna. However, their design fell under harsh criticism by both the press and the emperor. It is believed that the unkind comments led van der Null to commit suicide. Sicardsburg died about ten weeks later. Neither of them was alive when the opera house opened.
When we base our identity and purpose in life on people's opinions about us, we are bound to lose our way. There is only one true Light, Jesus Christ, who illuminates our way and reminds us who we are. He is the source of life for all human beings: "In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men" (John 1:4). In Greek, as in English, both "life" and "Light" are preceded by a definite article: the life was the Light. Not just a light but the only true Light. Life is one of John's key themes, including the concepts of eternal life (John 3:16), and abundant life (John 10:10). He uses the word thirty-six times in his Gospel, more than any other New Testament book. In Christ was life; He is the Light that illuminates our path. Jesus, as the Light, is available to the whole human race; "every man" (John 1:9) has the opportunity to accept the Light. Unfortunately, not everyone will. The world was made through Him, yet when He came, the world did not receive Him (verses 10, 11). "But..." Oh, how I thank God for this but! "But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God." (verse 12). Yes! That is who we are. Children of God! And our identity and life purpose are found only in Him. When who we are is rooted in Christ, we are no longer guided by public opinion nor motivated by people-pleasing, or fear about the future. Jesus is our Light, who guides our steps to eternal life. He paid our price on the cross, and therefore, we can live with assurance and purpose, because in Him is life. Let the true Light guide your mind and your heart and illuminate your path today!
My Response:___________________________________________________________