"Therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent."--Acts 17:30
The archeological sites of Athens are extraordinary. The Areopagus Hill is of special significance to me because that's where Paul delivered his famous sermon, recorded in Acts 17:22-31. At the place from where it is believed Paul addressed the men of Athens with the good news of Jesus, there is a bronze plaque with the Greek text of Paul's sermon inscribed on it. More than two thousand years later, we continue to seek divine wisdom, as Paul did, to find a point of contact with diverse audiences throughout the world that do not know about Jesus Christ.
Athens was a cultural center, showcasing high levels of art, sculpture, literature, oratory, philosophy, et cetera that continue to influence our modern world. Renowned philosophers, such as Socrates and Plato, had shared their thoughts and ideas there. Yet this is not what caught Paul's attention when he got to Athens. "Now while Paul was waiting for them [Silas and Timothy] at Athens, his spirit was being provoked within him as he was observing the city full of idols" (Acts 17:16). It wasn't the masterpieces that stirred the soul of Paul. It was the idols and temples. He started proclaiming the gospel everywhere, to all who would listen: in the synagogue, at the marketplace, and dialoguing with the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers (verses 17, 18). Eventually they took him to the Areopagus, the center of religious and moral discussions, and Paul proclaimed the gospel there. Yet notice that he did not start with pointing out everything they were doing wrong! He started by calling them "very religious in all respects" (verse 22). He went on to say that he noticed the objects of their worship and the altar "To an Unknown God" (verse 23). The Greeks did not want to displease their gods by accidentally ignoring one they might not know about. In this Paul received wisdom from God, finding a connection point to proclaim Jesus to them as the unknown God. He even quoted their own poets! Let's ask God for wisdom to find a point of contact to share the grace of Jesus with our friends and loved ones who do not know Him.
My Response:______________________________________________________