When our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, "The Lord has done great things for them." Ps. 126:2, R.S.V.
Somewhere, somebody started a rumor that God doesn't laugh. Once I heard some astute Bible students heatedly discussing this issue. In all earnestness one young man solemnly declared, "The only time God laughs is when He scorns the wicked!"
I could easily have dismissed his statement but for the haunting awareness that there are probably many others who share his opinion. And I'm just not convinced that if you trade the "stern judge" image of God for a straight-faced Redeemer you gain much ground. Either concept leaves one feeling nervous about actually meeting Him face-to-face someday.
Nothing stifles laughter more than being in the presence of a power figure who is straight-faced. Often these figures use their solemnity to control situations. There is the high school teacher who is sure that if he mingles mirth with instruction his classroom will become unruly. And there is the board chairman who feels that any levity will hinder progress in getting through the agenda.
In other words, to keep control, don't laugh. So, since God has to keep us in control, He doesn't dare laugh Wrong! God's preferred method of "keeping control" includes our coming to feel absolutely comfortable in His presence again. He doesn't need to manipulate us by His solemnity. He transforms us by His love. And (ask any child) laughter is that warm canopy that allows two hearts to tug the relationship closer and closer because they are so secure.
When God's people reflect that security, the nations will know it! One of the "great things" God has done for us is to restore in us that secure and joyful friendship with Him that our first parent knew in Eden. And we won't be the only ones who will be filled with laughter and shouts of joy! Listen: "The Lord, your God, is in your midst...; he will rejoice over you with gladness, he will renew you in his love; he will exult over you with loud singing ["a shout of joy." N.E.B.] as on a day of festival" (Zeph. 3:17, 18, R.S.V.).
Renewed in His love! Rejoicing and singing! Mouths full of laughter at the sheer pleasure of knowing God not only as our redeemer but as our friend! And it's mutual! Restored into His image, we will once again reflect His joy.