And behold, an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared and a light shone in the cell; and he struck Peter's side and woke him up, saying, "Get up quickly," and his chains fell off his hands.--Acts 12:7
I was attending a graduate class in a business setting when the professor asked us to share some impactful experiences. One of my classmates simply said: "I saw my guardian angel." We all wanted to know more about it. She went on to tell us about a horrific car accident she was involved in, and how, having seen her bloody face in a mirror, she panicked. Then a man with a peaceful voice came to her window, calmed her down, and stayed with her until help arrived. When she inquired about the man who had helped her, no one had seen him.
When we find ourselves in situations that are completely out of our control, let's remember that God is omniscient and omnipotent. He knows what we don't know and will guide us according to His sovereign will. In His power and might, He is able to remove any obstacles if and when He sees fit. Peter experienced this first hand in the book of Acts. The first disciple to be put to death was James, the brother of John (Acts 12:2). When Herod saw that this pleased the Jews, he arrested Peter as well (verse 3). He held him in prison with maximum security and precautions, assigning four quaternions (of four soldiers each) to guard him. The church was praying for Peter, and God, in His sovereignty, chose to intervene. "On the very night when Herod was about to bring him forward, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and guards in front of the door were watching over the prison" (verse 6). I am astonished at the level of security, with soldiers, chains, and guards; and startled at the notion that Peter was sleeping under those circumstances. And just like that, an angel of the Lord came to the cell, light filled the place, he woke up Peter, the chains fell off, Peter got dressed, put on his sandals and cloak, they passed the first and second guards, and the iron gate opened by itself (verses 7-11). And Peter was free. God is omnipotent to save us and to deliver us from trials, according to His sovereign will. Let's trust Him!
My Response:_______________________________________________________