Today's reading gives us another look at the civil laws governing many aspects of community living in the ancient Israelite commonwealth.
Memory gem: "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it" (Ephesians 5:25).
Thought for today:
We are talking today about the victims of divorce. There are at least three, and others to a minor extent--the husband, the wife, and especially the children. Many a divorce could be avoided if the wronged party were willing to forgive and forget.
When a child is deprived of a father or mother, he is cheated out of half his home. Remarriage often occasions jealousy, so the child suffers mentally, spiritually, and often physically. He becomes baffled, ashamed, embittered. When he tries to hide the situation from his friends, maladjustments follow which affect his entire life as well as the lives of others with whom he comes in contact. Children desire to belong to somebody and to be somebody.
These children are "orphans of divorce." Without a doubt, a great deal of our modern juvenile delinquency comes from broken homes, and these orphans of divorce are more likely to acquire dishonest habits, lax morals, and perverted personalities than are children who have the security of a normal home.
Homelife is the foundation of civilization. It is the foundation of every solid nation. The breakup of the home, of which divorce is the outward evidence, is the great danger facing every civilized government of earth, directly or indirectly. The victims of divorce are not only the heartbroken husband and wife, embittered, skeptical, dissatisfied; the children uprooted and denied the association of a father or mother; but society itself, the world itself.
Difficult or obscure words:
Deuteronomy 22:19. "Amerce"--fine.
Deuteronomy 23:18. "Dog"--not a canine animal, but the "sodomite" of verse 17.