Security! What a magic word today! J.B. Priestly tells of a city clerk who seemed to be happy, but deep inside there was a haunting fear of losing his job. This fear was always in the circumference of his mind. The trouble was that he had nothing in his heart to beat back the fear. He lived in a world from which God had been banished, but not the devil. Without God, fear will dwell in the heart. It is impossible to build a fortress strong enough to keep out the enemy of fear. The secret of security is a heart fixed on God.
Treasure here slips through our fingers. Thieves steal it; it is lost; it just disappears. The only treasure that is eternally safe is the treasure deposited in the bank of heaven. Our greatest treasures are not money, but hope, trust, faith, friendship, love. Even these treasures are evanescent and passing if kept in the treasury of earth. They must, by God's grace, be laid up in heaven.
Our Savior told the rich young ruler to sell what he had and give to the poor, and he would have treasure in heaven. That is one way to transfer our treasure to a safe place. Some heap treasure together for the last days (James 5:2); others heap treasure together for eternity.
In His story of the rich farmer, Jesus showed that the man was poor because he had laid up treasure for himself and was not rich toward God (Luke 12:21). Where our treasure is, there is our heart. That's the important fact, for out of the heart are the issues of life (Prov. 4:23). When all we have and are is surrendered to God, we have real security.
MEDITATION PRAYER: "Thou hast proved mine heart" (Ps. 17:3).