"Do you understand what you are reading?"..."Well, how could I, unless someone guides me?"--Acts 8:30, 31
A particular comment that the Jesus 101 ministry received from a Muslim man caught my attention: "The way I heard about you guys is a long story. I was having a girlfriend who was a Muslim just like me and from the same tribe too...she was convincing me about the Christian faith, and I was not listening to her, but now I decided to download this Jesus 101 app to learn and know more about Christianity." What exactly stirs a person's heart to seek to know Jesus?
God is personally involved in guiding people to the Savior. It is a divine initiative that creates divine appointments, reaching out to all types of groups, encouraging seekers to respond to the Spirit's promptings. God sent Peter to explain the gospel to Cornelius, who was a Gentile (Acts 10), and He sent Ananias to minister to Paul, a zealous Jew, who had encountered the risen Jesus on the way to Damascus (Acts 9). It is God's initiative to guide and send appointed guides to explain Jesus to a wide variety of people. Acts 8 is no exception. "An angel of the Lord spoke to Philip saying, 'Get up and go south to the road that descends from Jerusalem to Gaza' " (Acts 8:26). This was a desert road towards Gaza, one of the five cities of the Philistines. It seemed an unlikely territory for evangelism. But God knew that someone needed guidance to accept Jesus. It was an Ethiopian man, a treasurer of Candice, queen of the Ethiopians (Nubia). Kandake was the title of the queen mother who performed secular activities for the king. This man was far away from home, but he had come to worship in Jerusalem. Was he a Gentile, a proselyte, or a Jew? Luke doesn't say much about him, other than the fact that he was a eunuch, which would have excluded him from the inner temple courts. Yet he wanted to know more and was reading Isaiah the prophet. God sent Philip to guide him in this process, and we will study their encounter tomorrow. In the meanwhile, may you be assured that it is God Himself who stirs human hearts to seek Him and to accept Jesus. And He takes the initiative to guide us in this process!
My Response:_____________________________________________________