"This is the Moses who said to the sons of Israel, 'God will raise up for you a prophet like me.' "--Acts 7:37
While preaching at a camp meeting, I experienced a great blessing through a gospel quartet. They gave me one of their CDs, which contained a song entitled "Bible Story." * The main line of the song has stayed with me until now: "He will make a Bible story out of you!" Yes! Out of you and me. The biblical characters were flawed, yet God used them throughout redemption history as His spokespeople and leaders. Of course, He is able to make a Bible story out of you too!
Before he was killed, Stephen, the first Christian martyr, preached a sermon mentioning many people who had become "Bible stories": Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, David, and Solomon (Acts 7). We could have many devotionals just from this sermon. It is fascinating! False witnesses had charged Stephen with altering the customs handed down by Moses (Acts 6:14). Now, in his last discourse, Stephen detailed the story of Moses at length (7:20-390, including Moses murdering an Egyptian and having to flee, becoming an alien in Midian, and spending forty years in the wilderness before the Lord called him to finally deliver Israel from Egypt. Moses had tried to liberate Israel in is own way: "And he supposed that his brethren understood that God was granting them deliverance through him, but they did not understand" (verse 25). He was educated in the Egyptian culture, became a murderer and a fugitive, and still God made a Bible story out of him! "This Moses whom they disowned...is the whom God sent to be both a ruler and a deliverer" (verse 35). He became a symbol of the upcoming Deliverer of the world, and God used him to utter one of the most significant prophecies about Jesus, found in Deuteronomy 18:15, which Stephen referred to: "The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you...you shall listen to him." Let God make you a powerful witness of Jesus, no matter how flawed your life has been or how many detours you've taken. In human history, there is only One character who is perfect: Jesus! And all the Bible stories point to Him!
My Response:_____________________________________________________
* Lyrics by Scott Kryppayne, "Bible Story," It Goes Like This, Spring Hill: 2003, compact disc.