He said to them, "What are these words that you are exchanging with one another as you are walking?"--Luke 24:17
Life is a journey into ever deepening understanding. Many years ago, as I was going through painful transitions in my life, I realized that the longest journey a person may take is only a few inches long: from the hand to the heart. And it is often pain that exposes us to deeper perceptions of reality, especially about God's will for our lives. Our brokenness has a purpose, and we are not alone in this journey. God is always with us, inviting us to choose His path instead of ours.
One of the themes of the Gospel of Luke is about journeys. Everyone is on the move! But these are not just geographical travels; they are journeys of perception. And the journey to the village of Emmaus is no exception. The distance is approximately seven miles (Luke 24:13), and on the way the two disciples are discussing all "these things" that had happened, including the report of the women, which the men had deemed nonsense (verses 11, 12, 14, 22-24). "While they were talking and discussing, Jesus Himself approached them and began traveling with them" (verse 15). This is so like Jesus! He comes and meets us where we are; He joins us in our journey in order to invite us to trust Him, His way, and His will. In the Gospels, sight and blindness are usually associated with spiritual insight, or lack thereof, regarding the mission and identity of Jesus. In this case their eyes don't recognize Jesus (verse 16). Sometimes our tears block our view of Jesus, and our mistaken perceptions delay our joy. In order to help them in their journey, Jesus asked them a question, which He already had the answer for: "What are these words that you are exchanging with one another as you are walking?" (verse 17). God listens when we tell Him about our version of the story. Then He lovingly and graciously invites us to trust His path for us; unlike us, He sees all things from a heavenly viewpoint. Jesus had just died and had victoriously resurrected, on their behalf, but they didn't understand. He walked with them on their journey of understanding, and He won't abandon us on ours.
My Response:______________________________________________________