Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. Matt. 10:34.
The Baby and His parents were obviously poor. Dedications were common happenings in the Temple, and the priest who preformed the service was unaware of anything unusual. But there were two aged people in the Temple that day, Simeon and Anna, who had looked longingly for the Messiah to come, and they had not looked in vain. Simeon took the Baby from Mary, "Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against" (Luke 2:34).
The prediction of Simeon was fulfilled in the life of Jesus. The gospel that Jesus presented never left people the same. They went either one way or the other. There was no neutrality. They became either patriots or traitors to His cause. This polarization was steady, and increased in severity every day of His life, until the final showdown at Calvary. Although the idea that Jesus saves is beautiful, and we love to sing about it, Jesus also divides. He comes not to bring peace, but a sword. Jesus shakes people up.
We also notice here in this scripture that Jesus was set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel. We are not talking here about the Greeks and the Romans. Jesus came, and was set, for the polarizing, the decision making, of people already in church pews. As a result of Jesus' coming, people within the church polarized, went one way or the other. We notice again and again throughout the Gospels that there are only two ways to go. As the old song says, "Two ways for travelers, only two ways." There is no third option. We can never be in charge of ourselves. We can choose only who will control us. Either we accept His grace, we believe in Him, or we perish.
The lifting up of Jesus and Him crucified, the focusing on His life, will bring the same results today as when He was here on earth. The elements of human nature that were present at the time of Christ are still present today. As we come to a true knowledge of Jesus, we will also be compelled to choose to submit to His control or to refuse it. We cannot remain neutral.