A pastor on vacation rented a sailboat in the Caribbean. He and his family greatly enjoyed the combination of heat from the sun and the bracing coolness of the ocean breezes. It was a wonderful respite from the daily pressures of ministry back home. One day they beached the boat on a small, sandy island with palm trees. Soon a couple who had anchored a gigantic air-conditioned yacht a few yards from shore joined them. After the initial pleasantries, the pastor identified his companion. But while the couple was clearly secular, they didn't seem fazed by that. Instead they invited the pastor and his family to join them for supper on the yacht.
The minister looked forward to an opportunity to witness about the difference Jesus can make in life, even for those who seem to have it all. All through the meal he waited for the golden opportunity to share, but it never came. Soon the sun began to go down and he knew that he had to get back to the sailboat and return to the resort before it got dark.
The family said goodbye to the couple and went down the ladder to the sailboat tied alongside. After his wife and children made it to the sailboat, the pastor headed down the rungs of the ladder. Just at that moment the woman of the boat leaned over the rail, looked down at him and asked, "What does it mean to be a Christian?" He looked up, knowing that the timing of the question meant he'd better answer in one minute or less!
"Religion is spelled D-O," he replied. "Christianity is spelled D-O-N-E. Christian faith isn't about what we do for God--it is about what God has done for us." In other words, because of the cross, human beings become acceptable to God. They can find meaning and purpose in life because God has already acted to make it possible.
That's what the incense at the altar is all about. The incense originated from the altar of sacrifice. It is the sacrifice that makes the incense possible. The cross is the foundation of everything God does for His people. Because of what happened on the cross, Jesus can provide forgiveness. In the daily ritual of the Old Testament sanctuary the incense constantly hovered over the camp, covering the people and their sins. When we fall short of the glory of God, the incense of Christ's righteousness shields our lives as well.
Lord, thank You for the perfect acceptance available to me today in Christ. May I sense the presence of the "increase" of Your righteousness in all that I do