The first dominion, the dominion of this earth given to our father Adam, will be restored to a redeemed race. The time will come at last for "the redemption of the purchased possession" (Eph. 1:14). The earth, originally given to humans as their kingdom, betrayed by them into the hands of Satan, and long held by the mighty foe, will be brought back by the great plan of redemption in Christ. All that was lost in the first Adam will be restored in the Second Adam. All that was lost by sin will be restored through grace. "For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited" (Isa. 45:18). "The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein for ever" (Ps. 37:29). Zion, the daughter of Jerusalem, received the first dominion. The church inherits the kingdom in Christ, the Tower of the flock. Have you found your refuge in Him? In the Scripture it is written, "The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe" (Prov. 18:10).
There is a plant called samphire that grows only on cliffs near the sea, but always above the reach of the tide. Some shipwrecked sailors thrown ashore were struggling up a precipitous cliff. They were afraid that the advancing tide would overtake them, when one of them saw a luxuriant samphire plant. Instantly he raised a shout of joy: "We're safe, men; we're safe! Here is the samphire." True, the sea might come near and perhaps cast its spray upon them, but it would never reach them with its thunderous waves. They were safe.
And so are we, if we are hidden in Christ. We may be in full sight of the world's storm, we may hear its roar and see its mighty dashings, but we have a safe refuge.
MEDITATION PRAYER: "Thou art my refuge and my portion in the land of the living" (Ps. 142:5).