David knew what he was talking about--his help was from God and not from human beings. These inspired words were written when he was fleeing from Saul. He said, "My soul is among lions" (verse 4), but he had no doubt of God's help. "He shall send from heaven, and save me....God shall send forth his mercy and his truth."
We are told that Frederick Douglass, the great slave orator, once said in a mournful speech, when things looked dark for his race: "The white man is against us. Governments are against us. The spirit of the times is against us. I see no hope for the colored race. I am full of sadness." Just then a poor old woman in the audience rose and said. "Frederick, is God dead?"
Friend, it makes a difference when we count God in. He is the living God; He is not dead. To help us, He will send from heaven His angels, who excel in strength. He will remember us in our affliction, and in our trouble He will send forth His mercy, for His "mercy...endureth for ever" (Ps. 138:8). He will send forth His truth, and "his truth shall be...[our] shield and buckler" (Ps. 91:4). As light is the cure for darkness, so truth is the cure for falsehood. In times of danger and distress, the following prayer by an unknown author might well be ours:
Grant me, O God, Thy merciful protection;
And in protection give me strength, I pray;
And in my strength, O grant me wise discretion;
And in discretion, make me ever just;
And with my justice may I mingle love;
And with my love, O God, the love of Thee;
And with the love of Thee, the love of all.
MEDITATION PRAYER: "Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me" (Ps. 66:20).