Today's reading: We resume the record of Solomon's glorious reign. The Lord appeared to Solomon a second time with a solemn warning, but the king became obsessed with riches and worldly glory.
Memory gem: "He that trusteth in his riches shall fall; but the righteous shall flourish as a branch" (Proverbs 11:28).
Thought for today:
Solomon indulged desire and passion; he married for beauty, lust, and political power rather than for love. He preached much but practiced little. He dispensed wisdom and embraced folly.
He acquired wealth. He gathered "silver and gold, and the peculiar treasure of kings and of the provinces" (Ecclesiastes 2:8). His wealth was unrivaled. The ships of his navy returned from each trip with 12 million dollars' worth of the gold of Ophir, as well as silver, ivory, apes, and peacocks, with "great plenty of almug trees, and precious stones" (1 Kings 10:11). It has been said that when the Queen of Sheba visited him, she left three and a half million dollars in gold alone. His annual gold revenue was 18 million dollars. But even this did not satisfy him. Solomon was trying to settle for a fool's bargain.
Today the Lord Jesus invites you and me to decide for Him, to reject the fool's bargain. He says, "Come now, and let us reason together" (Isaiah 1:18).
Being a Christian is a reasonable thing. Following Jesus in all that we know to be truth is a reasonable thing. It is foolish to do otherwise. God wants us to prepare now for eternity. Will you not include Christ in your plans today?