Today's reading: The zeal of King Josiah's reformation resulted in the destruction of outward evidences of idolatry even beyond the borders of Judah. Joel prophesied at this time.
Memory gem: "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live" (Deuteronomy 30:19).
Thought for today:
King Josiah had strong faith in the Word of God; and he realized that because of the idolatry and apostasy and sin of the people, they were now open to all the judgments of God pronounced in this Book. All this came upon him with overwhelming force, for he was a good man--an earnest and devout man. So immediately he sent a delegation to the prophetess who was in Jerusalem, to inquire of the Lord.
As a result of the king's leadership and his earnestness after having heard the message of the Book of God which had been lost in the house of God and was now found, a great revival broke out in the land. King Josiah followed the instruction of the prophetess Huldah, and every word that she sent to the king was later exactly fulfilled.
Should we find this lost Book and read it as did those men of old, it might change our lives as it did theirs. If we would read God's Word, we would find that we needed to change our lives. Like King Josiah, we need to humble ourselves and weep before the Lord and seek His pardon. You see, the king made a thorough work of repentance and reformation, and God accepted his efforts; and all the people made a solemn covenant to keep the commandments of God. Really, friends, isn't this our need today?
NOTE: Joel gives no clue to the time of his message. We believe that it came during the early part of King Josiah's reign.