Today's reading: Having presented conclusive evidence of His power as the only true God, the Lord now tries to reason with His people and bring them to repentance.
Thought for today:
Not long ago the public press carried a headline like this: "The Rock of Ages Can't Be Bought." It was followed by a reference to Mark 8:36.
The editorial under this heading referred to a multimillionaire railroad tycoon who had committed suicide in is luxurious twenty-five-room showplace in Palm Beach, Florida. It spoke of his tragic end after attaining what most people consider success.
Winters at Palm Beach, summers at Newport, wealth of untold millions with billions under his control; yet the financial wizard of this era stamped himself a failure in the final analysis, He had everything that money could buy; but there was one thing that all his money could not purchase, and that was the Rock of Ages. Yet he could have had it for the mere asking. He could pyramid a fortune and control one of the world's greatest railroads, he could operate a fabulous hotel as a kind of hobby; but he failed to secure those inner resources which would have carried him through the despondency that finally drove him out of this world.
You cannot carry your burden alone, and God does not want you to. He loves you. You are His child. He can give you the peace which you long for.
How can we stop worrying and grieving? By believing with all our hearts that Jesus will do what He says He will do. The peace you and I need is the peace that only Jesus can give.
Difficult or obscure words:
Isaiah 49:12. "Sinim"--popularly, but probably incorrectly, applied to China. More likely Aswan in upper Egypt, or some other location remote from Palestine but within the Fertile Crescent.
Isaiah 49:23. "Nursing fathers" and "Nursing mothers"--foster parents.