Pilate unconsciously used these very words, "Behold the man!" (John 19:5). In this prophetic promise of Zechariah, Joshua, the high priest, is a remarkable living prophecy of the Messiah. A crown is placed upon his head; a crown of thorns was placed upon the head of Jesus. This shows that He was both king and priest of the royal line of David. The coming Messiah, or Christ, is ere called "The Branch," as springing from the almost extinct royal line of David.
The promise is that "he shall grow up," or spring up, not only from His place (Bethlehem or Nazareth), but by His own divine power. His miraculous conception seems to be prefigured here. For 30 years He who was practically unknown in an obscure village. He, the Messiah, who springs from such a humble origin, is to build the temple of the Lord. This He has done (1 Cor. 3:17; 2 Cor. 6:16). He is the foundation stone; in Him the whole temple fitly framed together literally grows (Eph. 2:20, 21). It is a living temple, the church of God, and every stone is a believer in Christ.
Savonarola was once preaching to a great multitude in Florence. Suddenly he cried aloud, "It is the Lord's will to give a new head to this city of Florence." Then he paused a moment, and all was perfect silence. The people were in suspense. Continuing, he said, "That new head is Christ. Christ seeks to become your king." At those words the vast audience sprang to their feet shouting, "Long live Jesus, King of Florence!"
While Jesus is rightful King, not only of Florence, but of every city in this world, and of all the world, He rules by His grace only in the hearts of those who acknowledge Him "both Lord and Christ."
MEDITATION PRAYER: "Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens: and thy glory above all the earth" (Ps. 108:5).