"What must I do to inherit eternal life?"...Jesus answered,..."You know the commandments: 'You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, you shall not defraud, honor your father and your mother'." Mark 10:17-19, NIV.
The rich young ruler expected a behavioral answer to his question about salvation, and Jesus gave him what he wanted, telling him that if he desired eternal life he should "keep the commandments" (Matt. 19:17). Then Jesus listed several of the Ten Commandments.
The list itself helps us to understand the young man's problem. We should note at least four things about the list. First, the commandments cited all come from the second table of the law and deals with the way people treat others. That selection provides a hint that his problem probably centered on his relationship to other people rather than on his dedication to God.
Second, Jesus lists the commandments in order: the sixth, seventh, eight, and ninth. But then, to our surprise, he lists the fifth after the ninth. Why? Undoubtedly to call attention to it. The rich young ruler may have been among those Jesus condemned in Mark 7:11-13 for using the human tradition of corban to avoid caring for his parents' material needs in their old age.
Third, we find an injection that is not one of the Ten Commandments: "You shall not defraud." The term is used of keeping back wages from laborers. The implication is that he may have gained at least some of his wealth at the expense of the poor.
Fourth, Jesus does not mention the tenth commandment (dealing with covetousness) at all. It will soon be evident that covetousness stands at the very center of the man's spiritual problem.
In Matthew's account Jesus adds a quotation from Leviticus 19:18 ("love your neighbor as yourself" [RSV] to the commands that one should obey (Matt. 19:19, RSV). Once again, Jesus uses a text that was important in Judaism and at the core of the young man's problem.
In closing our reading today, let us use our imagination. Picture yourself talking with Jesus about the Ten Commandments. How would He arrange them to meet your special "issues" as you deal with God and other individuals? Your honest answer will be revealing.