They rejoiced exceedingly with great joy....They fell to the ground and worshiped Him.--Matthew 2:10, 11
I have happy childhood memories in South America of leaving my shoes outside my bedroom so that the wise men would leave me gifts as they passed by. Sometimes, just for fun, children would leave straw and water for the camels. The story of the Magi has been celebrated in many Latin American countries on January 6 as the feast of Epiphany, highlighting how God reached out to all nations with the good news of the Savior's birth.
Matthew contrasts the Magi, who have come to worship (2:2), with Herod the king and all the people of Jerusalem, who are troubled by the news (verse 3). As the dignitaries from the East followed God's guidance and arrived to where the Child was, they "rejoiced exceedingly with great joy" (2:10). The language is lush and flamboyant as Matthew describes a super-joyful occasion, fit for a king (see a similar phrase used in 1 Kings 1:40). I love that the Greek word for "great" is mega! Even now, I believe that those who follow God's leading towards a greater revelation of Jesus experience mega joy, which is above whatever circumstances we find ourselves in. When they arrived to the place where the Child was found, "they fell to the ground and worshiped Him" (verse 11). The original language says that they prostrated themselves, which means completely falling to the ground. What a scene! Non-Jews were worshiping Jesus when the rest of Israel was not! These were distinguished and learned people, who had traveled from afar and had even been granted an audience with Herod the Great. Now they are giving homage to a baby in a humble home. God has a way of turning our world upside down! They even brought Him expensive gifts, as was the custom to honor a king (Matthew 2:11, compare with 1 Kings 10:2). In Jesus, God has given us the Greatest Gift! We will joyfully worship Jesus throughout eternity, showing him our gratitude and honor. Let's start today! For "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing" (Revelation 5:12).
My Response:_____________________________________________