The son of Enosh, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.--Luke 3:28
Lately, the number of DNA testing companies have grown considerably, reflecting an increasing desire to find our ancestry. There is a renewed interest in establishing one's genealogy. "Genealogy [is] the study of family origins and history. Genealogists compile lists of ancestors, which they arrange in pedigree charts or other written forms. The word genealogy comes from two Greek words--one meaning 'race' or 'family' and the other 'theory' or 'science.' Thus is derived 'to trace ancestry,' the science of studying family history." *
Luke provides an extensive genealogy of Jesus, and places it between His baptism (Luke 3:21, 22) and the temptations in the wilderness (Luke 4:1-13). Luke begins this section by stating that Jesus was about thirty years of age when He started His public ministry; thirty was considered the age of full maturity and, therefore, the time when a person could manage adult responsibilities and public office (for examples, see Joseph in Genesis 41:46, and David in 2 Samuel 5:4). While Matthew presents the ancestry of Jesus to Abraham (Matthew 1:2), Luke traces it back all the way to Adam,son of God, which is another pointer to the fact that he is trying to depict how the whole human race is included in the plan of salvation (Luke 3:23-38). Using a reverse order, Luke recognizes Jesus as part of the human race, tracing His ancestry back to the first human--Adam, the son of God, thus confirming the divine Source of humankind. We were made in God's image (Genesis 1:26). Don't ever let anybody tell you that you are less than others...you are a child of God, created in God's image! In spite of His miraculous birth (Luke 1:35; 3:22), Jesus became one with us, in order to be the Second Adam and to gain the victory for the human race, because the first Adam had failed (1 Corinthians 15:45; Romans 5:19). Jesus was fully God and fully human. Are you painfully aware of your failures, of not qualifying as a child of God? Jesus is our Representative, whose obedience and death are ascribed to us. In the perfect Son of God, we are accepted as God's own children. Praise be to Jesus, our Savior!
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* Encyclopedia Britannica Online, Leslie Gilbert Pine, "Genealogy," last modified Feb. 22, 2017, https:// www.britannica.com/topic/genealogy.