"Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all of them."--Luke 21:3
When my husband was a little boy, he used to bring little gifts to his mom, whom he loved very much. He collected shiny papers from the street or food from parties. His mother always received him and his presents with utter appreciation. One time, he decided to bring her ice-cream, which he placed in his pocket and headed home. When he arrived, the ice-cream had melted. She took off his little pants and, before washing the stains, she licked the pocket in front of him and said: "This tastes so good, thank you for bringing me this ice-cream!"
Jesus revealed that God's assessment of our gifts to Him is not dependent on their value or human recognition. God sees the heart, the motive behind the action. Jesus made a strong exhortation against becoming like the hypocritical scribes who walked around in long robes in order to show off their socio-religious status; they also loved the best seats in the synagogues and banquets (see Luke 20:46, 47). Jesus also spoke against their defrauding of widows and their long prayers to impress others (verse 47). That's when Luke narrates that Jesus saw a paradoxical contrast in the temple: "He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury. And He saw a poor widow putting in two small copper coins" (Luke 21:1, 2). Later Jewish material points out that there were thirteen containers in the courts of women where offerings could be deposited for the temple treasury. The rich gave impressive amounts; this poor widow gave two leptas, the smallest Jewish coin in circulation at the time. But Jesus publicly assessed that she put in "more than all of them" (verse 3). The rich had given from their surplus, but she had given her livelihood (verse 4). When it comes to your response of love to God's infinite love, do not measure your talents, money, energy, time, and resources by comparing them to those of others. God knows your heart and is pleased with your passionate and loving response. Your gifts to His kingdom touch His heart, even if they are like melted ice-cream. He gave all, emptying Himself, leaving His place of honor, in order to purchase our salvation. In response, let's bring Him our all!
My Response:______________________________________________