At a large open-air meeting in Liverpool, England, a skeptic gave a strong address against Christianity. At the close he said, "If any person here can say a single word in favor of Jesus Christ, let them come out and say it." Not a soul spoke, and the silence became oppressive. Then two young girls arose and walked hand in hand up to the speaker and said, "We can't speak, but we can sing for Christ." Immediately they began: "Stand up! stand up for Jesus!" When that song ceased, the vast throng was deeply moved, many sobbing. The crowd melted and quietly went away. The promise of power for witnessing is one of the greatest promises ever made to God's servants.
The Holy Spirit was promised by our Savior just before He returned to His Father after fulfilling His atoning sacrifice on earth. On the day of Pentecost, not long afterward, the promise was fulfilled; and the waiting, praying disciples were "endued with power from on high" (Luke 24:49; see Acts 2.) The outpouring of the Holy Spirit was the divine signal that Christ's sacrifice was accepted of God.
With this witness and this power these humble disciples went forth into a hostile and unbelieving world and shook it to its foundations. Notice, the power of Pentecost was power for witnessing. The gift of tongues enabled them to preach the gospel to thousands. "Ye shall receive power,...and ye shall be witnesses unto me." The power of the Holy Spirit is not for personal glory or selfish enjoyment; it is an enabling to witness for Christ. It is for witnessing and for witnesses only. If we have no certainty, no evidence, no witness of Christ, we shall receive no power. The promised power and presence of the Holy Spirit are for us a we go witnessing for Christ.
MEDITATION PRAYER: "My tongue also shall talk of thy righteousness all the day long" (Ps. 71:24).