Today's reading contemplates, through the writings of the Hebrew poets, the wonders of God's creation. We marvel with the ancient psalmists at the glory and majesty of our Creator.
Memory gem: "O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker" (Ps. 95:6)
Thought for today:
It was this Word of God, made flesh for the salvation of men, that "in the beginning" (Genesis 1:1) not only made the worlds of our planetary system but all the marching constellations, for the heavens are the works of His hands.
And so it is that he who looks upward may see the hand of Christ in the sky--His works of power, wisdom, and beauty.
The hand of Christ, the Master Workman, had been seen in the vast dome of stars long ages before that anonymous technician ground his first lenses or Galileo put them in his first telescope. As men began to peer out into the boundless voids with stronger and stronger eyes--the mighty glasses of great astronomical observatories--they were struck with silent wonder at the awesome vastness of the universe. Now we know that the human mind can have no conception of the endless and gigantic creation about us.
The creation testifies of its Creator as the eternal, infinite God. "All thy works shall praise thee, O Lord" (Psalm 145:10), said David with the tongue of inspiration. He must have been gazing out into the blue-black sky as there on the verdant meadows of heaven began to bloom, one by one, the lovely stars, "the forget-me-nots of the angels."--Longfellow.
We rejoice in the human Christ, a humble Galilean carpenter; but we must know, too, that He was, and is, the Son of God Most High--that the very heavens are the work of His hands. Indeed, His works praise Him when His worshipers are silent.