"This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased."--Matthew 3:17
It is such a blessing to have godly parents. My parents were a constant source of support for me, which they manifested in so many ways, lavishing me with unconditional and unwavering love. I still remember when I graduated with my first master's degree. My dad had been diagnosed with stomach cancer and was about to have a major surgery. Still, he insisted on attending my graduation, in spite of his failing health, because he knew how much his presence meant to me. Now that they are no longer alive, I like to re-read the notes of encouragement that my parents used to send me, telling me of their love and support.
God made sure Jesus knew of His support and love. After Jesus' baptism, we find one of the most amazing scenes in the New Testament, one in which the Trinity is manifested. The Spirit comes upon Jesus, and a Voice from heaven speaks, asserting God's view of Jesus in a heavenly revelation of His identity: "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased" (Matthew 3:17; see also 12:18; 17:5). In the Jewish Scriptures (Old Testament), Israel is called the "son of God" (for example, Exodus 4:22, 23; Hosea 11:1). The Davidic kings of Israel were also called "son of God" (for example Psalm 2:7). Now Jesus, the ultimate King of Israel is identified and the Son of God. And God asserts His Sonship and the fact that the Father "delights" in Him. Right after this assertion, the status of Jesus as God's Son will be challenged by the devil ("If you are the Son of God..." Matthew 4:3-6), who tempts Jesus to use His divine power for His own benefit. When a person accepts Jesus as their Savior, they become beloved in the Beloved. In Him, we are the beloved children of God: "See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God" (1 John 3:1). Even our final reunion with God is portrayed with these divine words: "I will be his God and he will be My son" (Revelation 21:7). Through the Sonship of Jesus, we too become children of God. When we are in Jesus, we know with certainty God's view of us: we are His beloved children, and He delights in us!
My Response:______________________________________________________