"It is written, 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.' "--Matthew 4:4
In my youth, each summer we used to spend our annual vacation camping on the beach. Several of my relatives got together, and we formed a small tent village. One of my uncles designed a large handmade tent; all our tents could fit inside his. He secured several iron poles under the tarp, creating a large living area. I still remember when a storm hit one time, and we all ended up under this sturdy tent, with the large poles. It was strong, and it didn't fall
When we are hit by a storm of temptation, our core beliefs are tested, and will determine if our tent stands or falls. When Jesus was tempted by the devil in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11), He answered the adversary with Scriptural words. The devil tempted Jesus to doubt His position, provision, protection, and plan. "If You are the Son of God..." (verses 4, 6). Jesus had heard a Voice from heaven affirming that He was the Son of God (Matthew 3:17). Now, with conditional clauses, His adversary wanted Him to doubt His personal position in God's kingdom. By the way, later while hanging on the cross, He was tempted in the same manner: "If You are the Son of God, come down from the cross" (Matthew 27:40). Second, would He trust in God to provide for what He needed, or did He have to step in and provide for Himself (Matthew 4:3)? Thirdly, did He need to test God's protection of Him, or was He sure that God was with Him (verses 5, 6); was God really in control of His life? And lastly, the devil tempted Jesus to bypass the cross and follow a different plan (verse 9), as if salvation could have been achieved any other way. To all these temptations, Jesus responded with truths from the Bible. We can learn from this narrative that there are four poles of belief that will keep our spiritual tent standing when a storm of temptation hits: (1) You are a child of God and He loves you; (2) God will provide for all your needs, physical and spiritual; (3) God is in complete control, and nothing can happen that He doesn't allow for your own growth and salvation; and (4) He has a detailed plan for your life. Amen!
My Response:_________________________________________________