"Seek first the kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."--Matthew 6:33
A married couple was discussing their financial future and making plans, figuring out what they could afford. Without their knowledge, their young child overheard their conversation. A few hours later they noticed that their son had a worried look on his face and they inquired about it. He went on to tell tham his understanding of their private conversation. Consequently, he was very anxious and worried that they might not be able to provide for him. They embraced him and assured him that there was nothing to fear, and that they would provide for his every need. I wonder how often God has seen a worried look on my face?
Many of us are prone to anxiety. Jesus addresses this topic in the Sermon on the Mount, making three imperatives, usually translated as "do not worry" (Matthew 6:25, 31, 34). He explains the futility of worrying and offers a remedy for it. He begins by addressing the anxiety about our basic, legitimate daily needs: food and clothing (verse 25). He demonstrates how our Heavenly Father provides for His creation, by feeding the birds (verse 26) and clothing the flowers (verse 28). Jesus also points out the uselessness of worrying: "And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?" (verse 27). How true! And still we do! He continues with a contrast between believers and unbelievers: Gentiles worry about these basic needs, but His followers have a Heavenly Father who knows their needs. He then offers a remedy for anxiety: seek God's kingdom as the ultimate priority and trust His faithfulness to provide for our needs. "Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." (verse 33). Simple, right? Well, I need to be reminded many times a day of this simple, yet profound, cure for anxiety. Finally, Jesus expands his "do not worry" imperative beyond basic needs--to fears about the future (verse 34). Do not be anxious about tomorrow. Stay in the present, in today. God is in charge; God is in control; He knows what we need. Relax. God's faithfulness is the remedy for our anxiety. Woo-hoo!
My Response:__________________________________________________________