Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. Phil. 1:6.
We are never going to become perfect by dwelling on being perfect. It is by dwelling on Jesus, on His love, on His sacrifice for us, on His spotless character, and then becoming involved in sharing His love with others, that we are changed into His image. The one who is the most involved in trying to help someone else know Jesus is the one who will be motivated to dwell most on Jesus himself. Let's get rid of all that we depend on instead of God, whether it's in justification, sanctification, or glorification. Let's make Jesus our dependence.
Don't let the idea of perfection discourage you. In the first place, Jesus Himself allows for growth, and in the second place, even if you are perfect, you will be the last to know it, because your attention will be so completely focused on Jesus that you will not be looking at yourself. Checking yourself to see how perfect you have become is a dead-end street. It is in looking to Jesus that you are safe.
While we are growing into the experience of total dependence upon God's power all of the time, remember this statement: "If in our ignorance we make missteps [Did Abraham? Yes. Did David? Yes. Did Elijah? Yes. Did the disciples? Yes.], the Saviour does not forsake us. We need never feel that we are alone. Angels are our companions. The Comforter that Christ promised to send in His name abides with us. In the way that leads to the city of God, there are no difficulties which those who trust in Him may not overcome. There are no dangers which they may not escape. There is not a sorrow, not a grievance, not a human weakness, for which He has not provided a remedy."--The Ministry of Healing, p. 249.
I am thankful today that although I am desperately in need of the grace of the Lord Jesus, and in my ignorance have made many missteps, yet He has not left me--and He has not left you. Are you thankful for that?
Let's not try to drag God's standard to our level of performance. Neither let us ever get discouraged because of our performance, but keep our eyes always on Jesus, continuing to choose His control, and the work that He has begun in our lives He will complete.